Friday, November 03, 2006

Satan Loves Fred Phelps

Found this site recently.

If there is a Satan, he would most definitely love Fred Phelps.
Don't know who that is? Go to Kansas sometime, and ask anyone about Westboro Baptist. They're a hate group construed of Phelps and his family and friends, who preach God's supposed "message of hate" to "the eternally damned", that is, most everyone, with the exclusion of himself (of course). He and his following go around picketing the funerals of the soldiers of Iraq and Afghanistan shouting at their families that "their sons/fathers are going to hell" (for being "fags", "fag enablers", pedophiles, etc, basically false claims) and post counters on their websites counting the days these people have "been in hell". Westboro is, IMO, a collection of fringe lunatics comparable to Hitler. They hate Muslims, Jews, homosexuals, and even Catholics, whom they classify as "pedophiles who suck the semen out of small children's genitals like vampires". They are totally messed up.
Which leads me to believe that MeansToAnEnd is a follower of Westboro Baptist. OK, not really being serious. Still, he sounds so much like Fred Phelps I can't help laughing. He generalises Muslims as being "terrorists" and is so conservative he isn't even a conservative or a neocon.
Anyway, that was a long rant. Soo...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i am a 14 year old fag from Australia and i hate this group i have been though so much shit and i look on the internet and find a group that pickets our funnerals
this man is a sick person