Friday, October 27, 2006

Why I Hate the "War on Terror"

Because it's bullshit. First we jumped into Afghanistan acting on impulse. I understand that the Taliban was assisting Al-Qaeda, which blew up the Twin Towers killing 3000 people, but bringing down the whole country just for two buildings? That's overkill if I ever saw it.
We say every life counts. Must count a lot if every American life is worth 20 Muslim lives, which is what the death toll seems to show.
I don't despise the Americans fighting overseas or Americans in general. They are my fellow countrymen. What's wrong with America is its government, which has led the US and its allies into, for completely ridiculous purposes, a war that has not only bought us the title of "world class laughingstock" but also the deaths of tens of thousands of Muslims who now lay smeared on the streets or tenderized in US concentration camps. And don't get me started on Iraq. It's fucked, and what's worse, we'll never win, either. Terrorism is violence fueled by hate, in this case fundie hate. Terrorists aren't backed by money, not by weapons or regional power, they're backed by viewpoint, and perspective can't be shattered with cluster bombs. Unless we nuke the place, the fundies will still be there.
Besides, we're living in America, land of the free, home of the brave (so the advert says). We ain't living free if we're trying to stamp out other peoples' views, so shut up neocons.

BTW, VG Cats is awesome. I just read the Halloween comic. Totally lovin' it, Scott.