Monday, November 06, 2006

I'm bored.

Really. Seriously.
So much so that I'm spamming my own blog.

I need help.


Saturday, November 04, 2006


I think I'm going insane.
My dad is pushing me over the edge. It's my 8th year of school and already I'm failing. My sidetracked tendencies coupled with his "plan for physical fitness" are detrimental to myself, and his screaming at me as "encouragement" isn't helping. My bathroom door handle came out today, probably because I pulled too hard, probably because he was giving me another one of his damned lectures about how I ought not to be watching a good movie, with great plot, good storyline, because it has too much "violence". So what? That doesn't prove anything. A movie can be awesome despite an "R" rating. Many are, even if some aren't. Like V for Vendetta, or Serenity.
He tries to make out that he does what he does for my own good. IMO, I'm not convinced driving me insane is any good for either of us, me or my senile old man. It definitely isn't making anyone any happier, and quite frankly I've been dreaming of rising up against this totalitarian bastard's reign of fear over this house.
I dunno. For the time being, anyway, I can control myself. But I just want to get out of this damn house.

No, no, no, no.

The MoS? Others? Yes, nice CJ names. Nice locations. Not exactly the most desirable storylines.
I mean, hey, I could use some of those titles. Rhineland, UCLE, Pakkusena, if they weren't all taken (BTW Pepsi, TLR is copyrighted already - it belongs to the good folks at The Lancers Reactor, :O :P). Little Egg sounds kinda cool too. If only it weren't taken already. Graaah! Krug angry! Smash ownership rights! Smash smash smash!

OK that was totally off topic. But while we're at it, Jack Thompson looks like Fred Phelps.

Well, he does have more hair. But still.
Some of the MoS storylines or the characters themselves seem to be plagued by war or conflict... the Rhineland (war with the UN - ???), UCLE (war with the USSR - not unrealistic, but not exactly something you'd expect to be an entry token into the SCJU, which it wasn't), Pakkusena/Kumba (always wonder what's happenin' in that dude's head...).
Meh. Maybe I'm just being paranoid.
Or not. No offense, of course, Pepsi.

Friday, November 03, 2006

Satan Loves Fred Phelps

Found this site recently.

If there is a Satan, he would most definitely love Fred Phelps.
Don't know who that is? Go to Kansas sometime, and ask anyone about Westboro Baptist. They're a hate group construed of Phelps and his family and friends, who preach God's supposed "message of hate" to "the eternally damned", that is, most everyone, with the exclusion of himself (of course). He and his following go around picketing the funerals of the soldiers of Iraq and Afghanistan shouting at their families that "their sons/fathers are going to hell" (for being "fags", "fag enablers", pedophiles, etc, basically false claims) and post counters on their websites counting the days these people have "been in hell". Westboro is, IMO, a collection of fringe lunatics comparable to Hitler. They hate Muslims, Jews, homosexuals, and even Catholics, whom they classify as "pedophiles who suck the semen out of small children's genitals like vampires". They are totally messed up.
Which leads me to believe that MeansToAnEnd is a follower of Westboro Baptist. OK, not really being serious. Still, he sounds so much like Fred Phelps I can't help laughing. He generalises Muslims as being "terrorists" and is so conservative he isn't even a conservative or a neocon.
Anyway, that was a long rant. Soo...

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Be Social!

I am. A democratic socialist.

Now that we're over that, I'm going to draft a short essay about that particular system of political belief.

Don't worry folks. I'm always that bored.


Socialists and communists seem to be necessarily thought of among the general American population as being oppressive, authoritarian, and/or generally bad along with their ideaologies. That is not true. Not all social-/communists follow Stalin, Mao, or Jong-Il. These people were not even communists, only assholes who used communism to seize power for their own ends.
In an topic on the Dream of a Ridiculous Dictator forums, ATLANTIS stated that "socialists/communists are fascists". Of course I realise that he was mostly discussing economic policy, but by stating that he attatches more than that to his generalisation. I am not vehemently nationalistic and I do not believe in nationalism nor its enforcement. In fact, if there could be one thing for me that would be patriotic, it would be, for lack of a better term, dissent. I do not believe in shutting people up and in fact I do believe that everyone has the right to voice their opinion. I do not think I am evil, though you may prove me otherwise; as well, I would like to point out that your comparison of fascist and socialist economics is faulty, as there is no complete definition of a "fascist economy"; it is true Mussolini, the original fascist, vied for a controlled economy, but Hitler, who was also recognised as "fascist", did not delve much into economic policy and mostly left enterprise to fend for itself.
But I digress. I am talking about democratic socialism, not fascism.
Generally, socialist economics involves the regulation of private enterprise. This does not, indeed, mean "squash them", but rather requires that they stay up to standard, at least in more mild forms of socialism. Small businesses are fine - ever been to a small-business store or restaurant in San Francisco? They do things the way they were meant to be done. (They sell great food too.) :) Big-ass conglomerates like McDonald's and Wal-Mart sell you cheap shit not because they enjoy doing it, but because they want your money. They dump millions of tons of pollution into the air and water to prove it every day, that they don't care, they just want to make big bucks.
I don't believe that business should be wiped from existence, but I do think that it ought to be kept small and ought to "follow the rules", such as health codes, safety regulations, etc, and that no company or corporation is above the law.
Most socialists/communists generally uphold civil and political rights and toleration; systems such as democratic socialism must uphold the simple right to freedom of speech because any democracy, following a socialist doctrine or not, thrives on the voicing of opinions. If the people cannot do that, then the state ceases to be a democracy and becomes a directorship. Toleration derives from this principle, as if every person's opinion is of equal value then the same must be said for their civil rights, or otherwise the society is not truly free.
And that is what constitutes my political belief: democratic socialism. I hope that I have been clear in my explanation of it, or at least my form of it.